Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Ok, I just saw the 5th movie and i will post my complete review later!


Sunday, July 8, 2007

Only Two days left!

Only two days left, and my house is a flurry of activity! We are cleaning and organizing and doing everything under the sun to be ready for the Harry Potter Stravaganza! <-- Thats a good book by the way, look it up (its by Mary Hoffman).
Ahh! Got to go clean!


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy 4th!

Happy fourth of July to the americans! Horayy!!


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

European Premiere

Hello! I've just seen the UK premiere of Order of the Phoenix. It was really good. The lady doing the interviews actually asked good questions for a change. For those of you who missed it, it was live online on Yahoo. We heard from Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Daniel Radcliffe, Evanna Lynch, Robbie Coltrane, Helena Bonham-Carter, David Yates, William Mosely, Katie Leung, Matthew Lewis, and *Drumroll please...* JK ROWLING HERSELF! She was there looking very nice in pale gold with her husband. Well I am sure there will be videos of it online very soon. So, keep an eye out! It was pouring rain and thundering but massive amounts of fans waited out the weather and were camped out from the wee hours of the morning to 6:30, when the show started and all the actors went inside.
Well, thats all for now...

Monday, July 2, 2007

The 8 day Mark

Hello all,
I just got back from a school trip to Montreal, Canada. We saw the Body Worlds 2 exibit that is touring the country. You can check it out at ml Anyway, today is the 8 day mark for the Order of the Phoenix movie and the 18 day mark for the 7th and final book of the series. today is also two days before the fourth of July for all you Americans and the day after the Canadian independence day celebration. Congratulations to the Americans and Canadians for honoring their contries.
Have a great 8 days!

Sunday, July 1, 2007


YAY! I am hosting a party for fifteen of my friends on the 10th of July!! I am so excited! We are going to the midnight showing of HP 5. Does anyone have any cool craft ideas about Harry Potter for 15 year olds? Because I cant think of any good ones. I am also planning a party at the local library for 3rd-6th graders and another for 7th-12th graders. Again, if you have any ideas for fun activities or crafts, post them in the comments!
(or you can just email me)



Hello and welcome to my new blog! I started this so I could express my excitement at the Harry Potter movie and book! Well, I must go eat dinner now so... see ya!